Part One: Securing the Invasion
The six landing beaches and three airborne invasion zones where the Allied armies fought
to secure a beachhead on the coast of Normandy are toured
from east to west.
Chapter 1. British 6th Airborne Division
British airborne troops land shortly after midnight on 6 June 1944 to capture 'Pegasus Bridge'
and to prevent German counterattack from east of the Orne River. Fighting continues for the next week
as the British capture and hold the tactically important Bavent Ridge.
Chapter 2. British 3rd Infantry Division
British infantry land on Sword Beach, establish a beachhead, and head towards Caen before
encountering German panzer troops.
Chapter 3. 3rd Canadian Infantry Division
Canadian infantry lands on Juno Beach and thrusts inland before a German counterattack
into their exposed flank stops the leading armoured units short of the objective city of Caen.
Chapter 4. British 50th Infantry Division
British infantry lands on Gold Beach and establishes a sizable lodgment after overcoming
German prepared defensive positions.
Chapter 5. US 1st Infantry Division
United States infantry lands on Omaha Beach against the stiffest German resistance of the invasion.
Despite high casualties, the Americans overcome the fortified positions to establish a perilously small beachhead.
Chapter 6. US 29th Infantry Division
Landings on the western sectors of Omaha Beach are no easier as United States infantry suffers
horrendous losses. US Rangers capture Pointe du Hoc.
Chapter 7. US 82nd Airborne Division
Paratroopers, despite scatterred landings, capture and defend key bridges to protect the western flank of the invasion.
Chapter 8. US 101st Airborne Division
Paratroopers capture Ste-Mère-Église to block potential German counterattack routes. The capture
of Carentan permits joining the two American landing zones.
Chapter 9. US 4th Infantry Division
Landings at Utah Beach are comparatively easy and the infantry moves inland to make contact with the
paratroopers. Days of fighting are required to clear German seafront positions and inland artillery batteries.
Part Two: Defeating the German Army
The Battle of Normandy continues as the tour visits the key cities of Normandy whose liberation results
in the eventual destruction of the German Seventh Army.
Chapter 10. Battle of Cherbourg
American troops battle northward on the Cotentin Peninsula to capture the port city of Cherbourg
only to find its harbor facilities completely destroyed.
Chapter 11. Battle of St-Lô
Progress inland is halted as German reinforcements arrive to defend a key road and rail network around St-Lô. The city is destroyed
in the battle for its liberation.
Chapter 12. Breakout and Exploitation
The massive air bombardment of Operation Cobra destroys German frontline positions and enables
American armored forces to exit from the dreaded bocage.
Chapter 13. Battle of Caen
The focus shifts back to the British Army as it faces German armored forces in the struggle to capture Caen.
The city is liberated but the masses armor attack during Operation Goodwood fails to capture Bourguébus Ridge.
Chapter 14. Battle of Verrières Ridge
With Caen liberated after six weeks of combat, British forces gain assess to the Falaise Plain where more intense combat
is necessary to dislodge German troops.
Chapter 15. Battle of Falaise Pocket
Trapped by American forces attacking from the south and British forces from the north, the
German Seventh Army is annihilated in the culminating battle for Normandy.
Chapter 16. Liberation of Paris
Allied forces charge across France against weak and scattered German opposition while the French Army and
French Resistance end the four year occupation of the nation's capital.